Fractured Faiths: Spanish Judaism, The Inquisition, and New World Identities

May 22, 2016 through Dec 31, 2016

In 1492, Spain’s King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella issued a royal edict ordering all Jews to either leave the country or convert to Catholicism. The Spanish Inquisition (and later, the Portugese and Mexican Inquisitions) stood ready to persecute anyone who failed to abide. Violators would endure prisons, torture and death.

Fractured Faiths: Spanish Judaism, The Inquisition, and New World Identities, opening May 22, 2016, leaps into the ensuing diaspora, a journey that stretches back to biblical times. For the first time, a major institution tells the comprehensive story of how Spain’s Jewry found a tenuous foothold in North America. Despite continued persecution, its people persisted—sometimes as upright Catholic conversos, sometimes as self-identifying “crypto-Jews.”

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Register of blasphemers

Tiles from El Tránsito

Sephardic Torah Scroll

Stucco fragment for El Tránsito

Locket with Inquisition emblem

Libro Verde de Aragón

Letter of nobility granted to Juan Berdugo

Letter of nobility granted to Juan Berdugo

David and the Priest Ahimelech

Decree of Expulsion of the Jews

The Five Commandments in Hebrew Letters

Carvajal Family Inquisition records

A Hearing Before the Inquisition

Ejecutoria de hidalguia

Painting with the Inquisition Emblem


Purim Grogger

Purim Grogger

Purim Grogger

Jar with Four Handles

Hanukkah Lamp


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