Herflag (online streaming event)

Herflag: Collaborative Art Flag Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment

Apr 30, 2020

In the interest of public health, Marilyn Artus has decided to cancel her live performance in Santa Fe. Instead, she’ll be live-streaming the sewing from the Her Flag Facebook and Instagram pages at the set time of the event. 

The celebration is called Her Flag. Her Flag is a giant collaborative art flag. A work-in-progress that’s making its way across the nation, growing stripe by stripe and state by state.  Her Flag will be in Santa Fe, New Mexico on Thursday, April 30th 2020.

Founder, artist Marilyn Artus, sews each state’s stripe, which was designed by a woman artist in that state, onto the flag at a live event in each capital city. This is her “love letter” to all the men and women who worked to pass the 19th amendment and she uses it as a platform to encourage women to exercise their right to vote that so many fought for just 100 years ago.

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19-NMHM-Her Flag -Marilyn sewing flag with audience in background

19-NMHM-Her Flag -Marilyn Artus with Her Flag mockup.

19-NMHM-Her Flag -Marilyn sewing flag

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